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Pricing: Commercial or business-use

Commercial use is anything related to your business operations, including getting customer orders, customer support, team monitoring, legal/accounting records etc. (Forwarding texts between your work phone and your personal phone is considered personal-use.)

(Do you only need to forward OTPs? Consider this more economical option.)

Pay month-to-month: USD 19.95 per month

Pay for 6 months at a time: USD 14.95 per month x 6 (USD 89.70)

Ready to subscribe? Click here!

A single commercial license can be used for up to 5 PhoneLeash installations, each forwarding to a different destination (if needed).

When checking out, make sure you enter any one of your forwarding destinations exactly as it is on your PhoneLeash app. Once subscribed, please email to add any additional destinations (up to 5 in all).